




   Cells(行番号, 列番号).Interior.Color = RGB(0255, 0255, 0255)




Option Explicit

Private Type Vec3
    x As Double
    y As Double
    z As Double
End Type

Sub VectorNormalize(ByRef vec As Vec3)
    Dim length As Double
    length = Sqr(getDotProduct(vec, vec))
    vec.x = vec.x / length
    vec.y = vec.y / length
    vec.z = vec.z / length
End Sub

Function getDotProduct(ByRef vec0 As Vec3, ByRef vec1 As Vec3) As Double
    getDotProduct = vec0.x * vec1.x + vec0.y * vec1.y + vec0.z * vec1.z
End Function

Sub drawPixcel(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal origin As Integer, _
    ByVal color_R As Integer, ByVal color_G As Integer, ByVal color_B As Integer)
    Dim px As Integer
    Dim py As Integer
    px = x + origin
    py = y + origin
    If color_R > 255 Then color_R = 255
    If color_R < 0 Then color_R = 0
    If color_G > 255 Then color_G = 255
    If color_G < 0 Then color_G = 0
    If color_B > 255 Then color_B = 255
    If color_B < 0 Then color_B = 0
    If px > 0 And py > 0 Then Cells(py, px).Interior.Color = RGB(color_R, color_G, color_B)        
End Sub

Sub drawSphere()
    Cells.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    Dim Radius As Integer
    Radius = 50
    Dim lightVec As Vec3
    lightVec.x = 1
    lightVec.y = -1
    lightVec.z = 0
    VectorNormalize lightVec
    Dim rayVec As Vec3
    rayVec.x = 0
    rayVec.y = 0
    rayVec.z = 1
    Dim normalVec As Vec3
    Dim refrectedVec As Vec3
    Dim y As Integer
    Dim x As Integer
    For y = -Radius To Radius
        For x = -Radius To Radius
            If x * x + y * y < Radius * Radius Then
                Dim z As Double
                z = Sqr(Radius * Radius - x * x - y * y)
                normalVec.x = x
                normalVec.y = y
                normalVec.z = z
                VectorNormalize normalVec
                Dim intensity As Double
                intensity = 0.5 * getDotProduct(lightVec, normalVec)
                refrectedVec.x = normalVec.x * 2 - lightVec.x
                refrectedVec.y = normalVec.y * 2 - lightVec.y
                refrectedVec.z = normalVec.z * 2 - lightVec.z
                VectorNormalize refrectedVec
                Dim intensity2 As Double
                intensity2 = getDotProduct(refrectedVec, rayVec)
                If intensity2 > 0 Then
                    intensity2 = intensity2 ^ 20
                    intensity = intensity + intensity2
                End If
                Call drawPixcel(x, y, Radius, 128 + intensity * 128, intensity * 128, intensity * 128)
            End If
End Sub